Promise in Swift Part-2
I will show you my implementation:
let take = { (s:String) in
let c = s
DispatchQueue.main.async {
take("first call!")
// To make our following code cleaner, we delcare a alias here, and thanks to swift3.0, we can now use generic type here!
typealias clr<T> = (@escaping (T?)->()) -> ()
/// What when do, is to take a type, bootstrap a chain
func when<T>(type:T.Type,f: @escaping clr<T> ) -> clr<T> {
let q:(@escaping (T?)->())->() = { (done: @escaping (T?) -> ()) in
f({ (signal) in
return q
/// A convenience operator of when<T>
infix operator ??? { percendence 140 }
func ??? <T>(type:T.Type, f: @escaping clr<T>) -> clr<T> {
let q:(@escaping (T?)->())->() = { (done: @escaping (T?) -> ()) in
f({ (signal) in
return q
/// Stick more handling chain with previous
infix operator <== { percendence 120 }
func <== <T,U>(l: @escaping clr<T>, r: @escaping ((T?)->clr<U>)) -> clr<U> {
return { g in
l({ (a) in
let v = r(a)
v({ (ok) in
/// The final operation of a promise block, we treat a nil return as a fail
infix operator ==> { percendence 100 }
func ==> <T,U> (task: @escaping clr<T>, done: (ok:((T)->U), fail: ()->U)) {
return task({ (ok) in
if let ok = ok {
Now let's look at the results!
Original post from my previous site: